Thursday, December 07, 2006

electronic leash

so for starters today my adelphi friend Tara and i are going to an alcoholics anonymous meeting. its for extra credit, im not pulling a lindsay lohan. Were both kind of scared but in part its because i think we have the stereotype that alcoholics=angry. i dont think that thats entirely true but i do believe that alcoholism is a male-dominated disease because it helps one release their emotions. We all know that society has a vendetta against men speaking up to how they feel (well, straight ones anyway) and this is a pretty broad stereotype. But i genuinely believe that some people that habitually drink do it to release the emotions they are otherwise unable to articulate sober. on that note, i dont think i should do any speaking at this meeting.

secondly i had a bit of a brainstorm on my drive home on this unseasonably warm day. although, we should start getting used to 60 degrees days in december because the earths temperature is slowly rising. So. The brainstorm. There was a cop with someone pulled over on the side of the southern state and, as usual, everyone had to brake hard to see the commotion or theyve just never seen a cop car before. Those stupid infinitely expensive signs they hang up that have the "updated" traffic reports said nothing of this five exit back up. I started thinking about how much money of the taxpayers NY will piss away for fun. Theyre really starting to rub it in our faces.

Then i thought; hey its only a matter of time before they put radar or laser machines under the overpasses so they can pin people for speeding. Now a days the ez-pass obviously has the license plate of the number it scans. what some people still dont know is that when it scans a plate in, say, new york and again in jersey it can calculate whether or not the person held a speed above the speed limit. In other words, in X amount of miles if you get to point B from point A too quickly like say doing 80 (and dont hit traffic) then you get a ticket sent to you in the mail courtesy of ez-pass. SO i wonder how long it will take for them to start putting machines down like that under our overpasses on parkways and such-- just so they can send NY some more money and piss some more of ours away. its beginning to look like 1984.

my point simply put here is: the cheaper technology gets, the tighter our electronic leashes will be. that is all.


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