Thursday, December 28, 2006


I can officially diagnose myself with a "disorder" called blepharospasm. (or blepharohemispasm). This is:

Involuntary eyelid twitching. It is also referred to as an eye muscle spasm. The term blepharospasm really applies to any abnormal blinking or involuntary eye twitching of the eyelids caused by uncontrolled contractions of the muscles around the eyelids.

I can remember when it started- junior year of high school. Once college applications became an issue i remember it happening in class sporatically. Since it is on my eyelid my vision is slightly obstructed so it feels like its very visible. I was constantly seeking reassurance that it was barely visible if at all. Now that i've overcome the self-consciousness over it, im working with the annoyance. See i hear it happens to people once in a while. Staring at computer screens too long, excessive stress loads, straining the eye..

its funny because half the time mentioning the GRE's or opening up a practice can send it off on an tick from anywhere to ten seconds to an hour. i know its conscious and subconscious. sometimes it starts off right before finals and lasts a few days after. sometimes it just happens, with no acknowledgement of a stress stimulus. either way its annoying and i cant just breathe deeply and meditate to have it disappear.

im lucky this is all im worrying about really.


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