Thursday, November 30, 2006

i went jogging the other night and saw an elderly couple walking together. They must have been about 70+ years old and they were holding hands, walking/talking together. It melted my heart because they looked so content with life; so peaceful and happy.

in my psychology of women class we started to discuss the semantics of when exactly is "old". Some joked around and said 25, others seriously considered 40. I didn't have a set age but i tried articulating exactly when i will find myself to be "old". This is when I can't do the activities i love to do. By 'can't' i don't mean because im tired or wrinkly, but because of physical impossibilities. If i have arthritis or something to that effect.. better yet if i simply can't ride my bike because of my knees or back, or i can't take long walks because of my ankles or what have you- thats when im old.

Im really not threatened by the age 30. It seems as though its a pivotal moment for some to worry the peak of their fun-life is over. My class is filled with girls who think 30 is far away. I disagree, but i do believe i will need a different lifestyle by that time. Ive never been the clubbing/bar hopping/take-in-drugs-to-escape type but i think by the time im 30 i should have at least one investment (whether it be a house or a CD) and a good job in the psychology field. Highly unlikely ill have my own practice by then because by the time i get out of grad school i'll need to do some sort of internship but, nonetheless, im hoping ill have a different set of values. With that comes a different form of happiness. It won't be based on the clothes i wear (because im weening off that phase now) and hopefully it will be on a more spiritual level of inner-success and control over my future.

On this note i suggest a new book called Money, A Memoir by Liz Perle. I think it came out this year- it's good for women of all ages. It has a vast overview of how women look at money, avoid it, take it for granted, hord it, display it, blow it etc. Personally i'm not good at saving. Currently i blame the college-student-income because frankly it is meek. But at the same time i know i can save much more than i do. This book helped me realize its okay to fuck up. The author didn't have her epiphany about monetary control until she was around 40; her point is it's never too late to learn. It's written very well, and it will probably hook you by the second chapter. By the end, it had me feeling i had people to relate to, nearly invincible and refreshed.

by the way the only juicy story from turkey day is that my aunt-in-law didn't cook the turkey but had it in the oven to keep it warm. no one got out of hand, but there was a very clear cut border of religious cliques in the house (in which my side of the family did not initiate).

Thursday, November 23, 2006

déjà vu

If you haven't seen the movie primer i suggest you watch it. Watch it two or three times and don't worry about the tech-heavy talk. Basically in the movie they explain time to be not linear but it has two points. Point A and Point B on either side of a circle. So for time to be normal it goes from Point A to B and back to A. But if you were to break the circle at Point B, there would be two versions of the same event going. If it were to be a person then the Point A person would not know about the Point B person, but the point B version would know what they were doing when they were at Point A. With that said, you will now have a better understanding of "time travel". Watch the movie, they explain it better. Theoretically its possible. Maybe it's already been done?

See the movie Déjà Vu with Denzel Washington <3.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

germaphobe or plain old common sense

so tomorrow is the big day. first uncle danny's where things should get up to a boil without much preheat, and then lolo's- the cool croud. its going to be a good day.

yesterday i got my haircut done professionally the first time in about a year and a half, closer to two years. i have a control issue. but anyway so my mom saw me cutting my hair again and asked me to stop and that she'd treat me to a real haircut. i got excited and put the scissors down. the appointment was yesterday and may i state for the record that Posh, formally known as Nouvelle, is a big age-descrimination place. apparently the workers feed off of tips and me being the youngest there (besides a 5 year old) meant that i must not have a good tip lined up for my "senior hairstylist".

so i waited. and waited. about 45 minutes after my official appointment time (and trust me, i considered walking out) i resorted to reading an old GQ magazine. you'd think since their major clientel is women theyd have a female magazine... in it there was a gentlemen who talked about his germaphobia, sort of. he explained how on the airplane some guy next to him kept coughing and he thought about the air and how its constantly recirculating. later on he got sick, and knew thats what it was from. he wasnt the "glove-wearing" or "paper-towel-door-opening" germ freak. and he didnt want to start because theres a point of no return with those obsessions.

let me tell you im not either but i find myself in similar situations. in class -ive counted- ive been stuck next to the coughing-girl at least five times. and its been a different girl four of the five times. they gravitate towards me. im not talking about the random coughs or a dozen during the one hour and fifteen minute class. im talking the chronic cougher. the person who doesnt stop coughing but doesnt seem to want to excuse themselves even though they sound like theyre dying of emphysema . yes, i sit next to that person for what seems like everytime there is one. so i started getting freaked out a little because i may have an excellent immune system but making a fist in front of your wide open mouth isnt really going to spare me from your spit or slime. so i started taking vitamins. lots of them. and avoiding the person i formally marked as the chronic cougher. so far its worked- i havent gotten sick. but its really hard to pay attention in class when the person next to you is barking in your ear, sometimes without even covering their mouth. ::shivers:: and cold season is just starting! i know its not their fault, and that may sound bitchy, but why should everyone else be exposed to the germs and violent, startling noise? am i alone here?

T-minus 26 hours till showtime at the Bowe house. gobble gobble y'all

Sunday, November 19, 2006

verbal bloodshed

I have several legitimate reasons for not writing recently, some of which i will not delve into on the internet, and the main reason being its not the top of the priority list.

For starters it's not just me, there are lots of psychotic drivers out there, multiplying as we speak. I wont go as far as to say its strictly the illegal immigrants or elderly because I think there is a physical force being put on the earth, mainly the tri-state area, that is driving people insane (or facilitating insane people driving?). this ramble has a point: an elderly man hit my car a couple weeks back. I was driving north on 231 (a two lane highway w/ lots of lights). So this guy is heading south on the same road until he makes the u-turn into the northbound side, my side. im in the right lane and he goes from the left lane into the back of my car (in the right lane). Honestly I dont know how he didn't see me, the cops seem to marvel over it as much as i. A lot of paperwork later and teggy has about $4,500 in damage. I've been rocking dad's '96 LeBaron but some how its not quite the same.

two weeks later i find out a friend of mine was in a car accident and killed. (Rest In Peace MJB) I paid my respects and about four days later my boyfriend was in a car accident, car totalled and hes got some cuts and bruises but fortunately hes not debilitated.

drive carefully everyone.

somewhere in between i saw dane cook live at MSG, and Panic! At The Disco at MSG theater. Good times. Dane had lots of new jokes and the DVD will be out on nov 24th. If i were to recommend anyone live it would be Panic! At The Disco because their show was literally a show. Burlesque themed, circus freaks, dancing and costumes- the whole nine. Best live show ever (and ive seen some classics). 100% entertaining even if you weren't staring at Brendon Urie [vocals] who has some serious talent (the guy can play eight instruments and if that wasnt enough he speaks six languages too). He's also 19 years old... i feel so unaccomplished.

this weekend i watched a couple classics, most of them with Kris, all of which i highly recommend: One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest. Tombstone. Taxi Driver. & last but certainly not least, Scarface.

and to conclude i will state my eager anticipation for turkey day for there will be a wonderfully blended croud. Not only will my mom's side of the family be with my dad's side.. but my dad's (very catholic) mother will be joining us at my mom's brother's house (which is now an entirely jewish household, and then some). Now, religions aside we have the most conflicting personalities ive ever seen conjointing on this wonderous occasion and im on the edge of my seat to see how it all implodes. the verbal bloodshed is scheduled for none other than thursday- turkey day. ill be sure to write down every detail i absorb hehee--> [add maniacal laugh here].
