Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I have a hundred things to say but I'm going to start with glyconutrients today. Because it's a possible life-altering concept I want to share it with whoever is interested.

"Glyconutrients contain eight monosaccharides (that is, simple carbohydrates, or sugars). Mannatech alleges that because of soil depletion and overprocessing, our diets are lacking in all but two—glucose and galactose—of these sugars.
You may be surprised to know that sugars are not just “empty” calories but do, in fact, play an essential role in many biological functions, including cell-to-cell communication and immunity. There’s actually an emerging and important field of science, called glycobiology, which explores the function of carbohydrates in health and disease. But glyconutrient marketers take a big leap when they say that consuming sugars in supplements has health benefits.

Marketers provide long lists of studies that support the use of glyconutrients for all kinds of medical conditions, as well as for general health like AIDS, colitis, diabetes, high cholesterol, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, possibly preventing autism, or any other medical condition. But these are unpublished conference presentations, anecdotes, and lab or animal studies, or they are from journals. " [wellness-letter trying to disprove glyconutrients]

So it's not proven but the recent discovery of these 8 monosacchrides has been the result of four nobel prizes since 1999. Whether or not it enhances the immune system and treats a wide range of medical conditions is still questionable. The truth is, we do genetically engineer our grown foods, and we pick them before most of their nutrients develop (which is at the END of the process, when its ripe). But the preventative maintenance we could have with these glyconutrients will NOT be emphasized by the news, or anyone else owned by the pharmacies that would lose customers if a natural supplement prevented so many diseases. So for now, if you can't get glyconutrients, get organic fruit and veggies that were grown locally so you have the best possible results with nutrients inside. In 1952 a single peach had a daily amount of vitamin A in it, today you need over 500 peaches to get the same amount of vitamin. It's not ironic all these dieseases are increasing as much as our mcdonalds stores.


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